
Stained Glass Window In Mount Clemens Hospital Chapel
Stained Glass Window in Hospital Chapel.

          On July 13, 2001 I had a triple bypass.  The months that followed were very hard for me & my family.  I was lucky & got through all of the problems with the help of some very good doctors & with the love & support from my family.  I'm now able to get around by myself again & I'm enjoying being outdoors & working in my garden.

          I was living by myself in my condo when I started having problems with my health.  One morning, I got up as usual.  I took my shower & got dressed.  I started feeling a little funny.  When I tried to button the sleeves on my shirt, I couldn't do it.  I was just about to call my daughter when the phone rang & it was her.  She said she had a feeling that she should call me.  She told me to unlock my front door & go lay down.  She rushed right over with my nephew & found me laying on my bed.  I couldn't move or speak.  They called the paramedics & I was taken to the hospital.
          They said I had a stroke.  They sent me home but I had to come back in a couple of weeks for some tests.  They said my Carotid Artery had a big blockage & I would need surgery to clean it out.  But first they needed to do a heart catherization to make sure my heart could take the surgery.
          I needed to have an angioplasty on my heart before they could do the surgery on my Carotid artery.  They got the artery opened up, but before they could get the stint in, my artery started to tear, so they had to take me upstairs & do a triple by-pass.  I was in intensive care for 4 days & then stayed in the hospital for almost 2 weeks.  Then I was sent to another hospital for 3 weeks of re-hab.  It took me many months of recovery, but I was able to plant my garden again this year.  God does answer prayers.

Here's some information on heart disease.

Beating Heart



Copyright © 2001
All Rights reserved:
Charlie's Star-X