Mary & Jesus


          Even though the baby was born in His father's hometown, no one but the parents knew of the baby's exact moment of arrival.  His parents were fascinated with their infant's tiny fingers and toes, His rosebud lips, His crinkly eyes and His hair that was softer than words could express.  Everything about Him was absolutely perfect  -  a fact they would realize more fully as he grew into a teenager.  Only moments ago, it had been just the two of them.  In the next few moments, Mary struggled to comprehend that she was a mother and Joseph, a father.  But for now, they were content to snuggle up together as a family of three.

At his birth,
Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a borrowed manger.
At his death,
Jesus would be wrapped in cloth once again and laid in a borrowed tomb.

Joseph was with her now.
Joseph of Arimethea would be with her then.

          "The heavens  -  wrapped in wonder  -  knew the meaning of His birth.  In the weakness of a baby, they knew God had come to earth!"  This newborn who couldn't speak a word was the fulfillment of The Word of God to man.  As Mary watched the first light of a new day gradually appear, she joyfully accepted her first full day as a mother.

          While the newborn cried softly, those in the world outside continued their morning routines as usual.  Mary tried to relax and rest as she nursed Jesus, but she had so many thoughts and questions swirling through her mind that she couldn't settle down.  Instead of being anxious and concerned, she chose then and there to ponder things in her heart, a habit she'd continue for the rest of her life.

          The first light of this new day was very pleasing to Mary and she held Jesus even closer to her.  Little did Mary know that before the first light of a new day some three decades later, Jesus would be betrayed by one of His disciples, and another would deny three times that he even knew Him.  Then, the first light of the next day would bring trials filled with false accusations and undeserved physical brutality.


At his birth,
Jesus was unable to speak;
only able to cry out to His father and mother.
At his trial,
He would choose not to speak.
At his death,
He would only be able to cry out to His Father in heaven
while His earthly mother stood weeping nearby.

Shortly after His birth,
the Name of Jesus was listed on the census by his proud father, Joseph.
Shortly before His death,
the Name of Jesus was listed on a sign on His cross
"King of the Jews"

At Bethlehem,
He was rejected at the inn.
At Golgotha,
He was rejected by men.

On the hills outside Bethlehem,
Shepherds guarded their flocks.
On the hill outside Jerusalem,
Soldiers guarded a tomb.

In Bethlehem,
Shepherds surrounded the birth place of Jesus.
The Lamb of God.
In Jerusalem,
Soldiers surrounded the burial place of Jesus
The Sacrificial Lamb of God.

At His birth,
angels spoke to two confused, frightened parents.
At His resurrection,
angels spoke to perplexed, terrified women.

At His birth,
He was born through a mother's labor of love.
At His death,
He was resurrected through His Father's labor of love.

          In the first light of His first day on earth, angels announced the birth of Jesus.  There were no trumpet fanfares announcing His arrival, even though He'd come from an impeccable lineage, straight from Father-God's throne.

          In the first light of the last day on earth, He will come once again from Father-God's throne with trumpet sound announcing His second arrival to earth.  Then our song will be greater than what the angels had to say at His first arrival on earth!

Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

For then, for now, as well as for eternity!
That's why we celebrate Jesus' coming!

(Adapted from two articles)  -  "In the First Light" and "Now and Then"
by Janet Faye Broyles
©11-20-02 and 12-12-04

Story used with permission from "IN JESUS".
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Dolphin's Dream
Song is "Emmanuel".
Used with permission.