Many Native North Americans carry medicine bags for spiritual benefit and personal power. "Medicine" here is the common English word that refers to the idea that many things are sacred, and endowed with just that energy.
Each of my Medicine Bags is carefully handcrafted, with no two alike. I listen for Spirit’s Direction within each piece of leather, stone, bone, bell, shell, bead, or fetish . . . . doing my best to follow this . . . . enjoying the Journey and the Process.
This results in a unique and personal article for the person to whom it finds its way.
Your Medicine bag and contents are very personal and should eventually carry a variety of sacred objects that you have selected based on their spiritual significance.
What you place in your bag will have or represent something that touches you on a deep level and has special meaning to you. When you look at these objects, they should stir up very powerful feelings.
No one else should ever be allowed to see the contents of your bag. It is an extremely personal thing. It was believed that if anyone else saw the contents they lost their power, unless the viewing of those items were shared by it's owner and treated with respect and dignity.
Fill your medicine bag with objects that bring you personal power or help you in your daily medicine. You may find that you carry objects that can be given away as medicine for others or offerings for the Earth. What you carry in your bag is up to you, but they should carry deep meaning as a representation of yourself.
Don't worry if you only have one or two things at first. You'll come across things as life goes on. You can even remove certain items when they seem to lose their importance.
When you need strength or feel the need to be reminded what a wonderful gift life and the world really is . . . . empty your bag onto a piece of cloth and reacquaint yourself with these things in your life while you say prayers of thanks.
Medicine bags or pouches last a long time. They are made of leather and are extremely durable. But there comes a time when the medicine bag just wears out. The neck cord has broken so often it may look like a string of knots. The leather has worn down and weathered so that it looks like it's been left out in the rain too long. What do you do with it at this stage?
Take the bag and it's contents to a remote location . . . . Somewhere that people seldom go to.
Hang the medicine bag or pouch in a tree where it's barely visible.
The helping birds such as ravens, crows, eagles, or hawks and the "invisible beings" such as angels or guardians will disassemble the bag and remove all traces of it.
Some people have been known to bury their bags. But this isn't recommended. In the earth the bag will continue to exist and the special medicine belonging to it could be dug up and innocently or not so innocently misused.
There are stories of ancient medicine pouches that were found, taken home or put in a museum and then all sorts of terrible things began to happen.
It is much better to let the angelic beings and our helper birds take care of something as precious as your medicine bag.
~Approximately $200~
Most of the above Medicine bags have been sold and are currently being enjoyed by their owners, but if a certain design, style, or combination of leather, fringe, beads, bells or natural treasures strikes a chord within you, let me know and I will do my best to create a 'very special' connection to help you realize the magic and utilize the power of your place in your Universe.

© 2009 - 2011