Pollution and neglect are contrary to the order of creation~
The earth has a finite amount of life to give and share,
and human beings can no longer be consuming life
they way they are~
More and more people are beginning to realise
that life is worth protecting and nurturing
And we are discovering
that both individual and collective consciousness-
is characterized by mutual interdependence......
upon a healthy environment~
A healthy environment creates a healthy society
and society is breaking down rapidly
into aging and disease~
Great changes are occurring upon our beloved Mother Earth
and these changes are intensifying and becoming
stronger and more powerful~
Our beloved Earth Mother
is awakening from a deep sleep
and will shake off what is not in alignment with Spirit
What is not in alignment with Spirit will be shaken off~
The only way that this world will survive~
is thru unity of heart, mind and Spirit~
Petty greivances are no longer of any importance~
We must lay down our shields of seperation~
that have made our people weak~
Let us gather at the sacred fires~
and hang our shields of seperation~
at the doorway of peace~
time ~~is of the utmost importance~
Let us all hold the vision, in alignment with Spirit,
to acknowledge that Truth, Beauty and compassion~
are strong and alive within our hearts~
Let us gather our strength
and lay down our shields of limitation~
Let us walk tall and strong once again
amongst all human beings
and let us show our deepest gratitude and respect
for our brothers and sisters of this human race~
We must step strongly within our powers~
and start creating a better world of love and light~
where darkness reigns no more~
This healing is from the inside
and will not come from outside of each of us
The material world is outside of us
The spiritual world is inside of us
Our truth lies inside of us~
Somehow, it must be made fashionable
and politically correct to reuse, recycle, share, and live simply.
if people boycott any corporation
that does things in a polluting, toxic manner
by refusing to purchase their products....
When the leaders of all traditions
open their hearts and minds
to share their ways in sacred gatherings,
all will begin to see the importance
of the traditions and gifts they carry,
like pieces of a puzzle put back together
We cannot see the meaning of one piece
until all the other pieces are put back in their place
It is time now to bring your part to share
in the Great Council of Spirit
that is mobilizing around the world
within the hearts of so many mixed bloods~
as well as those who are pure blooded Peoples~
Let us seek to touch the hearts of all human beings,
let us remember that we must not seek
to fight evil and corruption
but to let goodness take its place
This is the good way taught to us
in the Original Teachings
NOW is the time to bring attention
to the human beings who have lost their ways~
to those who have fallen asleep~
and to all those who have become blinded~
to the ways of greed and coruption~
and to those who have become blinded~
by the ways of control and manipulation~
and also to those who are weak from
all the chemicals and toxins
that we eat, drink and consume every day~
For those who have lost their sacred ways
and struggle to find them~
know that these ways were never lost
Spirit has been holding them for you~
waiting for you to awaken~.
For those of you who have healing issues~
healing begins inside you~
Life energy acts as a catalyst to accelerate
the natural healing process of the body.
When life energy is applied to the unhealthy part of the body
the rate of recovery or healing is increased
Remember that a lack of health
is simply a condition of not being whole,
and because it is a condition,
it is conditional and can therefore be changed.
It is the result of conditioning created by our thoughts,
feelings and actions over time.
We can change our state by changing our mind,
and by choosing to change the conditions
that caused that state.
Do not allow a diagnosis to be a life sentence
rather let it bring your awareness
to an area that is not whole,
and let it be an opportunity to bring light,
love and healing to that place.
You have the power to heal, and as a healer,
you must heal yourself and restore yourself
to wholeness and well being by allowing the energy
of Creator to flow to you and through you
Breathe deeply, believe and receive.
Then you can share this healing with others.
To fully heal the world around you~
you must create healing within yourself
and the world around you~
If you have not yet made a committment to honor the earth~
and to help sustain a healthy environment~
maybe it is time to re-evaluate your possessions~
to re-evaluate your truth~ and to know that you are needed~
If we save the Earth, we save humanity.
Let us commit ourselves to care for all the gifts of Creation~
Let us commit ourselves to explore
and to understand environmental issues and concerns~
Let us commit to working with others
for environmental justice for all~
Procrastination.. ... is an easy path~
and there are indeed stairs to climb~
for those who choose to participate~
But let us take those baby steps together~
to help clean our environment~
and help to heal our world~ and all our relations~
that healing begins with you and you and YOU~
Take some time today~ to sit and pray~
it will be a good day to pray~
Pray for beloved Earth Mother~
Pray for the waters of the rivers~
that they will once again be bountiful with life
and free of chemical abuse
Pray for the soil of the earth~
that the soil will provide abundant harvests for all~
Pray for the Animal Kingdom and the standing tall tree People~
Pray for all of this sacred earth,
that thru unity of our prayer~
that we will renew the music of creator's song~
Pray for direction~
Pray for truth~
Pray for your family and all your relations~
Mending the sacred Hoop~ begins inside of us~
It begins with YOU~
And I thank you for participating~......aho~
Today will be a good day to pray~
People from around the world
are taking time to pray for healing of our Earth Mother~
Pray in your own way~ to what feels right to you~
today I will be sharing a few of my prayers~
prayers that are close to my heart~
Beloved Earth Mother-
Makatan kin yan Hoya Wayeho
Anpetu kina Cewakiyelo~~
Beloved earth mother~
on this day I am praying to you ~~
Eyaya Hoye Wayelo ~~
I’m sending a voice~~
Ste Ste ^ye) nawajin yelo hey
be it known that I call for the healing light
from the creator above~
to heal our Earth mother~
I open my mind to the light of creator
which flows in from above.
I open my center to my own truth.
I open my heart to the unending flow of love
that it flow thru me~
and back into the heart of the Earth~
that she be restored
back into a world of pristine beauty
I pray for a society to wake up
and know the truth of greed and ignorance
society to turn their focus
and provide a better chance
for future generations of people ~
Give us the opportunity of experiencing
the wonder, mystery, and miracle of being alive.
I pray for a society that believes in taking care
of oneself, each other, and the planet.
so be it~ aho
Mini Ki le Wiconi Wicozani wakan yelo
(the water of life is sacred~~
Ste Ste ^ye) nawajin yelo hey
Ookawica wau welo heyaheya~
Wana ookawica wau welo~
Wakayan oo welo~
Cewakiyelo yawaste ~ bless me
Cewakiyelo glujaja
I send forth my prayers for the healing
of our oceans, rivers and streams
I pray that this manmade hole that has been
drilled into our Earth Mothers body~
will be sealed effectively~
that the earth Mothers wound will heal
and all will be returned back to normal~
Wakan Tanka Omakiyayo
Great and Holy Spirit~help me~
Re-kindle in us the fire of your love
Send your breath over the waters
and we shall be re-created
We shall renew and heal the face of the Earth
We thank you for this earth, our home
for the wide sky and the blessed sun
for the ocean and streams~
for the towering hills and the whispering wind~
We thank you for the trees and green grass
We thank you for our senses
by which we hear the songs of birds
and see the splendor of fields of golden wheat
and taste the springs fruit,
and rejoice in the rains of heaven
and smell the breath of spring flowers
GRANT US a heart opened wide to all this beauty
and save us from being so blind
that we pass unseeing, unfeeling and unknowing~
the truth that we hold within our hearts~
Tunkasila Onsimalay~
Grandfather Sun~
I call forth my prayers with the rising sun~
whose visible symbol rises high within the sky~
whose visible symbol shines before me
It is a good day to Pray~
Wakatan kin yan hoye wayelo
Wankan Tanka cewakiye
Wiconzani nahan wokiye hey
Praying for good health and good help)
Beloved Sacred Sun~
whose forces of Light shine upon my pathway~
Guide and protect me on my journey
to discover truth and knowledge
Let the Light of Divine Truth and knowledge~
always flow thru thru us
to bless all life eternal
I call forth a cosmic participation of Light
that will help connect into me into the Light of Divine Wisdom~
Wisdom to the unfoldment
where the Will of God is known~
Blessed and holy one~
Sing me a song that will open
all my senses of perception and awareness~
that will help me to perceive~
a greater world of love and light~
where darkness reigns no more~
Great and Holy Spirit~
give to me the vision of sight to see and hear~
the Great and Holy One~
Eyaya Hoye Wayelo hey~~
Eyaya Hoye Wayelo hey hey ho
I offer my prayers into the vastness of the Universe
and ask for the greatest amount of healing
that cosmic law will allow
Take up my humble efforts
and amplify them without limit
Ste Ste ^ye) nawajin yelo hey~
I stand beseeching you~
and offer my humble blessings
I ask to bring forth a gathering of hearts~
for the common goal of uniting thoughts and prayers
in order to heal our beloved mother earth
And all our relations
I send forth the sacred invocations of light
Weha aweahempata weaakai doeno wakiupo chong kai
loota ohyauataka many dokeapoe pine uscheka
Look down and bless our people
Look down and walk with our mother earth
Makatan kin yan Hoya Wayeho Anpetu kina Cewakiyelo~~
Beloved earth mother~
on this day I am praying to you ~~
Eyaya Hoye Wayelo ~~
I’m sending a voice~~
Waniwacin yelo Omakiyayo
Ste Ste ^ye) nawajin yelo hey
Be it known from this day forward ~
that I send forth the roots of my Divine Inheritance
deep into the heart of the beloved Mother earth.
And ask that she ground the energies of empowerment ~
deep within the core of human potential
I ask for the greatest amount of healing
that cosmic law will allow~
I send forth my "healing request" to the unique Source~
to the Great Spirit~
to the Creator~ who unites all beings ~
within the origin plan of love and light~
We send forth this prayer into the vastness of the Universe
and we invoke the Great Spirit, the beloved Ascended Masters,
Cosmic Beings, Angelic Kingdoms of Light,
Beloved Animal and Plant Kingdoms, Beloved Elemental
forces of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and Beloved Spirit Guides,
to be with us in your luminous presence
We humbly ask you to take up our humble efforts
and amplify them without limit~
On this day~
we call in the greatest amount of healing
for our Mother Earth and her living oceans
We ask that you take up our humble efforts
and amplify them without limit
We ask that the energies of Love,
Power and Wisdom open
Our hearts and our minds
to the expression of our Divine Inheritance
Akay woe nay oyapay wea ohyapay
tonka chung kaylota ohyatahay
We will from this day forward serve our highest purpose
the purpose which flows thru the Great Spirit
Wiconi yawaste wana hohay Teshko oyate~
Wiconi mitaua ki el wopilaku wowastelaka~
I am thankful to bless life with love~
Oh, Great and Holy Spirit,
whose voice whispers in the winds
and whose breath breaths all life to the world,
hear me in my prayers~
Teach me to honor the truth of the Red Road~
I walk upon~
Teach me the ways that will purify
my body, mind, heart and Spirit
thru the sacred and traditional ways of smudging,
Teach me the ways to honor the Spirits
with tobacco and prayers~
Teach me how to keep the sacred ceremonies,
dances and songs~
alive within my memory~
the memory is vital to my survival
Teach me to show respect for the elders and all my ancestors
Teach me to listen and to speak to the
animals, plant and mineral kingdom~
Teach me to listen and to speak to the Elemental forces
of Earth, Air fire and Water
the Elements that provide nutrition for the growth of my Soul~
Teach me to stay balanced within myself~
Teach me the secrets of harmony
and balance to the Sacred Circle of life
Teach me to respect the principals of life~
and that I shall allow unity, understanding, compassion and love~
to flow freely thru me and my prayers always~
Teach me how to sow the seeds of truth, justice and freedom~
Teach me to always be in in touch with all of creation
Teach me to always be in touch with my spiritual self
Teach me to know and honor the powers of the Sweat Lodge,
and to always remain true to my higher Self~
Teach me to always respect the things you have given me~
and make my ears always be open to hear your voice~
or seek the blessings of the Creator through visions
Teach me how to see thru darkness, without fear and without doubt,
and to always remain pure of heart~
knowing that the Light of love~
shall always show me the direction of truth~
Teach me how to mend the shields of separation
to all my people~
That it has come time to unite in heart, mind and Spirit~
and to know of the great and holy Powers that we all hold~
Let us commit ourselves to care for all the gifts of Creation~
Let us commit ourselves to explore
and to understand environmental issues and concerns~
Let us commit to working with others
for environmental justice for all~
Procrastination.... is an easy path~
and there are indeed mountains to climb
for those who choose to participate~
But let us take those baby steps together
~to help clean our environment~
and help to heal our world~ and all our relations~
that healing begins with you and you and YOU~
Let us become Wanj Oyate~ one tribe
Let us become Wanj Cante~ one heart
Let us become Wanj Wowieule~ one truth
Kola Lena Cicu Welo Wiconi waste
I gift these words to you my friends-~~
Apeya Wowastelaka~....~~( with love~)
We must awaken in spirit to remember who we are
as messengers and caretakers of Mother Earth,
and then to share these ways
for all who have disconnected and fallen asleep.
The Earth Mother~
needs our prayers now more than ever~
And there are many people who are choosing
to leave their bodies at this time~
All around me has been death~
And there will be many who choose to leave
the physical world~
And it may be apart of their mission
to help the world in the invisible realm~
I honor them for their mission~
Our prayers shall be united~
if only for a brief moment in time~
offer your prayers in your own way~
your voice is unique~
your prayers are needed~
We must now clear up any remaining residue
of the past and heal any wounds
that we accumulated during our journey.
There will be much focus on completing the old.
We will be sifting through everything,
getting rid of old stuff both inside ourselves
and in our outer environment.
We will be tying up loose threads
and closing many old chapters of our lives.
At the same time, we will acquire essential tools
and skills for our New Lives.
Many things will be shifted
out of their old positions into new ones.
